Whale shark
Check in: 08:30 hs
Around 06:00 hs total
Where find us:
Total price: $265 USD

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Wich will be your next adventure?

MUSA cancun
Discover Scuba Diving
$ 125 USD
open water diver
PADI Open Water Diver
$ 480 USD
scuba diving cancun
Two Tank Reef Diving
$ 105 USD
scuba diving cancun
Wreck & Reef Diving
$ 115 USD
scuba diving cancun
MUSA & Reef for certified divers
$ 105 USD
whale shark cancun
Whale shark
$ 265 USD

Scuba diving courses

open water diver
PADI Open Water Diver
$ 480 USD
scuba diving cancun
PADI Refereal Course
$ 285 USD
advanced open water cancun
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
$ 430 USD
scuba certification cancun
PADI Scuba Diver Course
$ 385 USD
nitrox course
Nitrox Course
$ 270 USD
EFR primary and secondary care
EFR Primary & Secondary care
$ 160 USD
PADI rescue diver
PADI Rescue Diver Course
$ 450 USD
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